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Summer Project

This year, BCSU’s traditional summer project for cultural exchange took place between the 11th and 21st of July in the city of Tryavna. It included students from 4 countries: our partners from the Dutch student movement, for the second year we had students from Denmark and for the first time there were young people from Northern Ireland. The Bulgarian group was equally represented by Bulgarians and international students studying in Bulgaria. Among them were a student from Yemen and one from Vietnam as well as students from Serbia and Ukraine.

The theme of this year’s project was: "Discover diversity: the culture, religion and history that make us unique." The project was sponsored by the European Union. The program included discussions on topics related to the main theme of the project, interactive workshops and presentations, simulated games and activities to help students deepen their understanding of the topics. There was also plenty of opportunities for participants to share and learn from each other.

The project included a three-day social project in partnership with the Social Center of Tryavna. We all had the opportunity to help elderly, to play with children at risk, or make hand puppets with them. Some were able to craft a few birdhouses and others painted on the wall of the building of the center and turn it into an attractive and entertaining mural. As a result, the project participants and the hosts of the Social Center were happy and we were invited to come again next year.

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