"Trilogy - Mark" 2022
"Trilogy - Mark" 2022
Our Trilogy Inductive Bible Study camp was held from July 11-17. This year we studied the first half of the Gospel according to Mark, the oldest biography of Jesus, written in a compelling and dynamic way. The twenty-two students and five Team members who participated dove into the study with desire and devotion on the very first day. Amazed and captivated, each day they discovered how awesome, patient, and loving our Lord Jesus Christ is.
The event took place in the beautiful Rhodope Mountains, not far from the town of Rozhen. The unique scenery with its purity and authenticity, the separation from the big city with other students excited about the Word and loving God, helped the participants to get away from everyday life and go deeper into the Bible stories and into knowing the character of Jesus.
The eight-hour studies each day were interspersed with lots of games, walks through the beautiful area, a small field trip to the National Astronomical Observatory, a campfire, and plenty of free time for sweet fellowship and rest.
We share with you the testimonies of two of the participants in Trilogy - Mark, 2022:
"Time spent studying the Word is always wonderful, especially surrounded by searching people as it was this past week! Looking deeply into and understanding the text, once written and active today, is an incredibly precious experience that touches you deeply and you are blown away by His greatness! The knowledge we gained for study helps you reach depths I never thought possible!"- Anastasia Pancheva
"Trilogy - Mark was an emotional and eye-opening experience through which I was able to overcome fear and get to know myself better. Through the hours spent studying (which seemed few), I discovered the answer to the question "Who is Jesus?", which I thought I knew enough about. I was horrified to realize that I had taken the treacherous path of hardening my heart, and He rebuked me through His Word for all the times I had turned to Him, made decisions, and subsequently forgotten. In addition to rebuke, I have received tremendous encouragement and new knowledge from this week that has helped me to understand more clearly God's message to us. I highly recommend that everyone experience at least one Trilogy and feel the joy of time spent getting to know the person and work of Jesus!"-Elisaveta Floreva