Faith and science
Faith and science
Faith and science
On May 18th and 19th the international group in Varna held two events on the topic of faith and science. The goals of these events were to show that faith and science are not incompatible, and to open up dialogue about various topics such as consciousness, near death experiences, and evolution vs creation.
Students were encouraged to invite their friends, and after a short presentation on the topic of the evening were given space to ask their questions and bring up their objections. We discussed a wide range of things, including the concept of whether or not there is objective morality, and if there is such a thing, where did it come from? We also discussed whether there are contradictions in the Bible.
While these questions aren't things that can be completely resolved in an evening, it was helpful for the Christian students to learn that they can look deeply into these topics and that they don't have to be afraid that science will disprove their faith. Likewise, it was good for the seeking students to be able to ask their questions to a group of Christians who have thought through these deep questions and are willing to dialogue about them.
Hopefully these evenings have opened the door to many other conversations with these students in the future!