"Come and See"
"Come and See"
At the end of last month, 22nd of October, for the first time in Bulgaria the "Come and See" festival of opportunities took place.
The Bulgarian Christian Student Union was the initiator and organizer of the event with the support of the United Evangelical Churches. Around 50 non-church organisations participated, setting up an exhibition in the hall of the of the "Good News" Church in Sofia.
Four different workshops were also organized in separate rooms: 'Working with Children', 'Working with People at Risk', 'Organizing and Leading Small Groups' and 'Evangelism'. There was a video presentation of the different ministries and organizations, and on the website created especially for the Opportunities Festival, information is constantly updated with a new video uploaded each week for the "Ministry of the Week". In this way a clear picture of what God is doing in the country is provided for the evangelical world in Bulgaria.
We thank God for the ways He is bringing us together for His glory. It is our privilege to participate in what He is doing!